Exclusive Interview with Mister Tourism Brazil 2023
1) Firstly, many congratulations to you. Can you introduce yourself and tell us a little about yourself?
Hi! I am Mister Brazil Tourism and call me Manoel Pio. I love playing sports especially bodybuilding and football, I am very calm and focused on what I set out to do. I have been working as a model since 2019 and it was from these works that I was invited to participate in competitions!

2) What are your next projects?
I’m the kind of person who focuses on one objective and I’m this moment with all my energy is focused on Mister Tourism World, after this I would like to inspire people for social responsibility.I’ll definitely take advantage of the media and leverage social projects in my country!
3) If you are elected “Mister Tourism World 2023”, what will be your first action?
I would use the global reach that this renowned competition has to show a the huge important Brazil have for the world. Specially about sustainable tourism. A thousands families have your survival depend of the a responsible tourism with the nature, people e culture. I think that is my purpose and mission like a winner Mister Tourism World 2023.
4) Mister Tourism World’s slogan is “Building a better world”. Do you support a cause?
Yes, actually two, one of them helps low-income children have toys on Children’s Day (which in Brazil takes place on October 12th) the other is a home for the elderly that survives on donations, Abrigo São Vicente
5) What is your favorite song or music video?
Brazil is a musical country. We have so many cultures, rhythms diferent that are almost impossible to choose only one. But, Asa Branca( White Wing), a song by Luiz Gonzaga, is my favorite. This music is so important for Brazilians because it represents a part of our history, especially the northeast of Brazil, where I was born. When i hear this song, I came so to many good memories with my family and friends.

6) What is your favorite food?
Handmade burger.
7) What is your favorite animal?
Horse. they are magnificent!
8) What is your favorite movie?
The Lord of the Rings – The Fellowship of the Ring, I’m in love with all of Tolkien’s works but this film is in my heart

9) What is your favorite color?
10) Name your favorite book?
11) Name your favorite magazine?
Gazeta Esportiva

12) Who is your favorite celebrity?
Ronaldo Nazário, he had the classic hero trajectory, which goes from top to bottom and returns from the ashes to the top!
13) What is your special message to your fans and our fellow readers?
I want to start by thanking everyone and say that when you start moving towards your goals, don’t give up! I have a important responsibility that be voice, light and words to many people that no have this opportunity like i have now. I am Mister Brazil Tourism of all Brazilian, i can see and feel your necessity and dreams. And now i am prepared to be Mister Tourism World and look and know more amazing people, your lifes and dreans. Thanks everyone.