The Beauty of Bali Island in Indonesia!
Bali, Indonesia, the 2nd Best Island in the world by New York’s Leisure & Travel magazine is ready to welcome the 62 expected contestants from around the world at the 2nd edition of Mister Universal Ambassador from 21st-30th September 2016.
Once you get the title as Mister Universal Ambassador, you will venture a one year unforgettable experience in your life.
1.More than USD 10,000 Modeling Contract from our Partner
2.Cash Prize
3.Apartment in Jakarta, Indonesia during your reign
4.Trophy, Certificate & Sash
5.International Travel to minimum 10 countries
6.Holiday Package in Bali
7.Product & Voucher from Sponsors
8.Activities Incentive Fee
9.Weekly Pocket Money during your stay in Indonesia
10.Involved in Humanitarian Actions which makes you as captivating role model
11.Massive Publication in our media channels & partner
12.Complete Portfolio
13.And more
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