Exclusive Interview with Mister National 2021( Mister Globe France), Hugo Beaumont
Hugo Beaumont is Mister National 2021 from France. He will represent France at Mister Globe 2021.
1) First of all, many congratulations to you , Can you introduce yourself and tell us a little about you?
First of all, thank you for choosing me for this incredible experience. My name is Hugo Beaumont, i’m 26 years old and I’m from France. All my life I had the chance to travel with my family thanks to the work of my father, this opportunity is part of my DNA and gave me the luck, since very young, to be in touch with a lot of different cultures. This gave me an open mindset and a way to see the world that I would have probably never had without this experience.
2) What are your next projects ?
I have a lot of projects. If this Covid situation goes better in the future, I would like to continue traveling, being around the people important for me, gain new experience and knowledge. On a professional side, I started to buy a flat as an investment and I would like in the future to continue in this way. And of course, enjoy life
3) If you are elected « Mister Globe 2021 », what will be your first action ?
I would use the small voice that I have and that I gain trough the years to spread good vibes and mindset around me. I don’t have the presumption to change the world, but do my best to make it a bit better, at least, and for start around me and among the people I know.
4) Mister Globe’s slogan is “Mister with a cause”. Do you support a cause?
Even thought I am not a vegan, I support the animal cause AND I am totally in the equity topic (not only about genders, but equity between Human Beings in general). Injustice and Food Waste are the 2 things I hate the most.
5) What is your favorite song or music video?
Music wise, I am very eclectic. I can have an interest in many kinds of musical style (Pop, Rap, RNB, classic music …) And I believe that for each moment/feeling/situation there is a specific music.
If I had to choose one song now would be ‘ This is a man’s World’ from James Brown.
6) What is your favorite food?
Food wise, it’s very difficult for me to choose one type of food because I don’t have a preference. I love all the new kind of food that I have the luck to try. In general, I have a preference for the mix between sweet and sour.
7) What is your favorite animal ?
I have special affection for dogs, because of the daily unconditional love they bring but more generally I have special affection for all of them, sometimes more than for Humans to be honest. In the future, I’m more and more on the path to reduce my meat consumption.
8) What is your favorite movie ?
Forest Gump
The Pursuit of Happyness
Catch me if You Can
9) What is your favorite color ?
10) Name your favorite book ?
Rich Dad Poor Dad (Investiment Book)
L’étranger, Albert Camus
11) Name your favorite magazine ?
To be honest, I do not really read a magazine, but when I was younger I use to love going through the National Géographie magazines. I remember that sometimes, only by seeing the pictures, I had the feeling of travelling.
12) Who is your favorite celebrity ?
Tom Hardy as an actor
Zinedine Zidane for his mindset, work ethic and determination.
I also have admiration for the celebrity’s and people in general, which uses their ‘voice’ and influence for the good and to make people more aware of situations (environmental and equity for example)
13) What’s your special message to your fans and our fellow readers?
Once again, I would like to thank them because if I am allready at this stage is thanks to them.
I would allsow ask them to support and vote for me by my words and mindset, not only on what they see. Of course if they like what they see they can allsow support me More seriously, thank you for the support and let’s win together !