Exclusive Interview with Mister Globe Poland 2021, Michał Komarnicki
- First of all, many congratulations to you , Can you introduce yourself and tell us a little about you?
Hi ! Pleasure to meet you, Michał Adam Komarnicki from Poland. I am personal trainer and actor. My hobbies are, naturally sports, including dancing and martial arts (some of them are also my job), travelling, cooking, psychology
- What are your next projects ?
To be determined, haha ! Maybe my own charity/fashion project ? Who knows !
- If you are elected « Mister Globe 2021 », what will be your first action ?
If I am elected to be one of this elite ambassador, first thing to do is to congratulate and say thanks to other participants for their hard work and dedication they put in every day. Then I hope to meet my mates and people that supported me. Then maybe group trip with my friends, somewhere, maybe over horizon !
- Mister Globe’s slogan is “Mister with a cause”. Do you support a cause?
Yes, few of them ; education for poor families childer, orphans in my country and not only, since we can arrange budget and sen dit to any country from Poland ; helping aspiring talents to develop their careers, break their chains of limits and fear ; I was already engaged in charity actions and I know how necessary it is today
- What is your favorite song or music video?
Lindsay Stirling – Stars Align ; Maluma – Corazón
- What is your favorite food?
Italian and Asian cuisine, apart from what I cook on my own/polish cuisine ; naturally – risotto, spaghetti ; pho ga, gyoza dumpling and few more ; I love to rotate my diet (vegetarian,vegan, plant based, protein-focused) so I bring back some forgotten nutriments to my body
- What is your favorite animal ?
Wolf, Husky, Eagle
- What is your favorite movie ?
- What is your favorite color ?
Green, regardless on what object it is ; could be beautiful green eyes of a womanGreen color calms me down a lot
- Name your favorite book ?
Dan Brown « Inferno »
- Name your favorite magazine ?
Men’s Health, Vogue
- Who is your favorite celebrity ?
Few of them : Scott Adkins, Bruce Lee, Rock Dwayne Johnson, Jared Leto, Penelope Cruz, Kate Perry, Salma Hayek
- What’s your special message to your fans and our fellow readers?
I am really proud to be part of the Globe family ! Atmosphere and organization here is incredible. I warmly invite you to follow this spectacular event, showcase of talents, male charm, elegance and diversity ! Of course, if you find what I do at the moment as one of participants interesting and brings value to you, let me know by pressing star under voting system or liking instagram photo on Mister Globe profile