REVEALED: TOP 10 Mister Chile 2017
The Top 10 Mister Chile 2017 were revealed out of 19 contestants during the semifinal competition held on Friday, 29th July 2017 at @sunmonticello in San Francisco De Mostazal, Region Metropolitana, Chile.
Meet the Mister Chile 2017 Top 10 semifinalists who are still in the running leading up to final competition. (Their IG Accounts)
1. @Mladen_maslov (social media winner)
2. @alfonsoelias18
3. @melalcaldepuga
4. @emmanuel.ricchie
5. @alfonsobernalp
6. @gian__videla
7. @italo.albagnac
8. @arlyjosee
9. @manimoraga
10. @felipegual
One of these 10 gorgeous Chilean men will be crowned Mister Chile 2017 and will then succeed Fabian Vera, Mister Global 2017 3rd Runner-up. Who will it be?