Mister Supranational Czech Republic 2016 is Jan Pultar.

Mister Supranational Czech Republic 2016 is Jan Pultar, a 23-year-old architect from Chlumec nad Cidlinou, a historic town with a population of 5.3 thousand.

The first Czech representative in Mister Supranational enjoys going to the gym, playing basketball and cooking. He also dedicates time to do some volunteer work.

He will not have to go too far, after all, Mister Supranational 2016 will be co-hosted by neighbor countries Slovakia and Poland.

The televised final will happen in Krynica Zdrój, Poland, on December 3rd.


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Mister Model International Japan 2016 is Katsuya Nakada.

Mister Model International Pageant 2016: Swimwear pictures and paortraits by Pilar Andujar

Mister Model International Pageant 2016: Swimwear pictures and portraits by Pilar Andujar